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Knowledge is power. Know how Ayurveda, Spiritual therapy and other alternative therapies can be useful in mental disorders.

This is Dr. Piyush P. Trivedi (PhD Clinical Psychology) from Dev Sanskriti University, Haridwar India. Here in Dev Sanskriti University we have provided pure knowledge of Ayurveda, Spiritual therapy and other alternative therapies to cure mental disorders. To check how Ayurveda, spiritual therapy and other alternative therapies are useful in mental disorders, send details of mental illness of person. Our suggestions may help the patient to come out from the diseases. Apart from medication we can provide information on relaxation techniques, information regarding ideal schedule to follow, Information regarding Spiritual therapy as a preventive medicine for mental disorders. We can also provide information on counseling techniques inspired by The Bhagwad Gita and other ancient Indian Scriptures. Note that it is based on social work and you do not have to send any money to acquire information. Try out once we can assure that it can be a good alternate to come out from mental disorders.  

Some of Major Indian Tools for mental health Management


  1. Ayurveda
  2. Spiritual Therapy
  3. Yoga, Meditation and other relaxation techniques.
  4. Counseling techniques from Bhagwad Gita and other scriptures like Vedas etc.
  5. PanchGavya (five elements from Cow) therapy
  6. Water Therapy
  7. Music Therapy
  8. Aroma therapy (Indian techniques)
  9. Sun therapy and Color Therapy
  10. Mental health concepts from ancient and modern Indian literature


Ayurveda: Ayurveda is the oldest therapy of the world. Now a day’s more and more people are coming back to Ayurveda. Researches on brain tonics like Bramhi, Shankhpushpi etc. have proven the strength of Ayurveda medicines on mental disorders. Ayurveda acupressure can help patient to come out from Insomnia, headache and other disorders. 


Spiritual Therapy: If Satva Guna is increased we can come out from any mental disorder. Because all mental disorders occurs due to increasing Raja and Tama Guna.


Meditation, Yoga and other relaxation techniques: Mediation is a world famous technique for relaxation. Pranayam is very much important to control our mind. Yam niyam like Brahmcharya etc. can not be ignored to acquire a good mental health.

    Counseling techniques from Bhagwad Gita and other scriptures like Vedas etc.:

 Bhagwad Gita of Lord Krishna is now considered as the best book for counseling. Vedas and other holy scriptures also have the best counseling lessons.


PanchGavya: Cow Urine, Cow dung, Cow milk, Cow Curd, Cow milk are considered as a single treatment for any disorder.


Water Therapy: This is a good, economic therapy with no side effects. It can play a good role. Water therapy along with other therapies can become important in the treatment.


Music Therapy: Have you ever heard classical Indian Instrumental music? It is one of the best techniques of relaxation.


Aroma Therapy: Indian herbs and natural (non hybrid-non artificial) flowers can play a major role for relaxation.


Sun therapy and Color Therapy: Each color has a unique effect. Sun is one the best available doctors, guardian and the God.


Mental health concepts from ancient and modern Indian literature: Indian holy books like Upanishads, Brahmans, and Samhitas etc. have great mental health concepts. The mental health advice from the literature of Pandit Shree Ram Sharma Acharya, Mahatma Gandhi, and Swami Vivekananda can play a big role to change the life. They were some of the most successful persons on the world. Their mental health was amazing. We can learn a lot from their literature.


Attention Patients: Feel free to share your feelings, thoughts and problems. They will be kept confidential.  Join the following group


Attention clinicians: Please share/update your knowledge of Indian mental health concepts. Join the group


Contact: Piyush P. Trivedi, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, C/o. Shantikunj, Haridwar (Uttranchal) India. Pin-249411


Ph: +91 1334 261367


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